When selecting a domain name for your business that are some important factors that you should consider before jumping in and registering your domain name. It’s vital for your success that you make a clever informed selection based on factors that will ensure your website can be found, help clients find out about your services and products and assist your business to grow! To help you along Fancy Freedom have put together this list of tips and things to consider when choosing your domain name.

- Use .com, or .com.au in Australia (most popular ones) – all other get lost
- Search on google ads keyword tool to find most popular words.
- Your domain is the first this that google ref for match to search – Make sure it has your key business in it – eg BrisbaneOsteopath (10k-100k search Vs Brisbaneosteopathy (100-1k search) – simple change big traffic difference
- Brandable over generic A brandable domain name is unique and stands out from the competition, while a generic domain name is usually stuffed with keywords and unmemorable.
- Shorter is better
- Easy to type
- Easy to pronounce
- Avoid hyphens and numbers
- Consider using a keyword that reflects your website
- Think long-term over short term
- Check if it’s not trademarked
- Use domain name generators when stuck
If any of this sounds too complicated for you, just get in touch and Fancy Freedom can look after if for you for all you online needs! Remember that a good foundational set up can help you easily use and update your site for years to come.
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