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Just like anything, there are many different ways to build a website. So to help you out the team at Fancy Freedom have put together 5 Top Tips for Building a Website.

  1. Clear Steps
    Ensure it’s functional and easy to find all information
    Create content regarding location, services, pricing etc
    Make it clear and easy to find the things you sell (e.g git vouchers, specials, prices)
    Show steps to book/ buy/ contact
  2. Build Authority
    Clearly communicate who you are, what you do and how you do it.
    Why choose you over someone else
    Testimonials, Before & After’s, clients letters
    Create resources that add value
    Create service for clients once that can be shared over and over
  3. Clear Vision
    Be effective and to the point
    Clear content relevant to your audience
    Split content into categories 9e.g. pregnancy massage, sports remedial massage)
    Google advertising effective way to convert specific traffic
  4. Call to Action
    Include call to action buttons in prominent positions: Download/ Book Now/ Sign Up
    Put calls to action in your content (how to book, recommendations)
    Pop up’s used at specific times for specials or calls to action
  5. Streamline
    The way you build a site matters – have amazing functionality & automation
    Widgets for pricing or booking options that automatically update
    Have a global section at the bottom of every page – update one section and it updates all pages

Bonus Tips
WordPress recommended – google favours it & you update your own content
Own your content, website, server, domain name and hosting with Bluehost. To get started just click here to sign up under our affiliate link.
Have consistency across all mediums – branding/ look and feel (e.g. website, FaceBook, Instagram)

For more tips on selecting your domain name check out our blog on the topic here.

If all of this sounds great but you have no idea where to start, then contact Fancy Freedom and we will make it easy for you!

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